Technical course of Nordic Walking - Rimini

Learn the proper technique of Nordic Walking ! Rimini , Riccione and San Marino

Course for the qualification of Nordic Walker in Rimini , Riccione and San Marino

Technical progress and biomechanics to achieve " maximum return " from the Nordic Walking in Sport , in Weight loss in Rehabilitation . Official school of Nordic Walking A.N.W.I. - San Marino.

Detailed information about the course

corso tecnica nordic walking

A complete course to learn the proper technique , to analyze the Nordic Walking at an " Biomechanics " , through the proper use of the body and sticks , and enjoy " full " of Nordic Walking advantages and benefits . Riccione Rimini and San Marino .

Themes of the Technical lessons:

- The basics of Nordic Walking technique.
- The fluidity in the Nordic Walking and Stretching exercises for Nordic Walking.
- Maximum efficiency in Nordic walking and toning exercises aimed at health and weight loss .

At the end of the course, the Nordic Walking Instructor certificate A.N.W.I. , give each student a diploma of " Nordic Walker " recognized by ' I.N.W.A. , International Nordic Walking Federation .

Once a year, the instructor organizes for its students a Free Refresher Course : excellent opportunity to "refresh " the concepts and " exchange " experiences with other " Nordic Walkiers " on the practice of Nordic Walking in Rinini , Riccione , San Marino or wherever the sticks were our comrades "trusted " .


Proper technique in the practice of Nordic Walking is of fundamental importance both for those engaged in " simple" that is, without any special physical goals , both of people practicing activities aimed at maximum performance in physical training , in slimming rehabilitation.

How important is it to have a good Nordic Walking technique ? How much importance to give proper use of chopsticks ? Use " instinctively " the sticks , that " as we are " , is dangerous for the physical ?

Be in possession of a good technique allows us to "exploit " the full potential of Nordic Walking . Nordic Walking can burn up to 40 % more calories than the simple walk and reach cardiac activation similar to that of the race but without being exposed to the articular wear . The benefits go from the improvement of the state of health of our cardiovascular system , improving hormone balance , strengthening muscles , to lead on mental relaxation , c ...

Where and When to learn:

The course is held on weekends to achieve the minimum number of members and maximum of ten . The courses take place in San Marino , Rimini and Riccione . The course has a total duration of 4.5 hours divided into two events , basic and advanced 2h 2.5h , to two weeks apart from each other .

Want to know when planning the next course of Nordic Walking technique in your city ? Send an email to

Total course price:

-- In groups of three to a maximum of 10 people : 60 € + 15 € annual card A.N.W.I.
- For two people : 80 € + 15 € annual card A.N.W.I.
- Individually: 120 € + 15 € annual card A.N.W.I.

nordic walking rimini

You can have the same benefits without knowing the technique?

The advantages that can be had by the practice of Nordic Walking are in proportion to the quality , intensity and duration of the activity . Without knowing a technique of correct sticks use it becomes difficult to achieve the involvement of 90 % of the muscles without forcing on some articular districts that could " overload " inflamed . tense muscles or tendonitis hints can occur in people who do not know the correct technique and wants to "force " the business with too long or too high intensity workouts .

Using " instinctive " sticks , or " bring walking sticks with us " , he has no particular side effects but to encourage muscle-tendon inflammation when trying to "force " or hold intense rhythms that can overload the joint structures who do not work in an optimal way .

It therefore becomes important to be able to know how to optimize the use of sticks and get the " best " from this beautiful activity. Rimini Beach is a great place for the Nordic Walking technique courses, as the sand creates the conditions for an activity of high physical value going to "work " on proprioception of the lower limbs due to " ground" constantly changing . In order to increase the speed of the walk , and reach 40% of calories is important to know the technique and the optimal use of sticks .



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